Carbon Neutral

The emission of greenhouse gases contributes to global warming and, consequently, to climate change, which affects all people on all continents of our planet.

Carbon neutral is a term used to describe a situation in which the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (mainly carbon dioxide) produced by a human activity is equal to the amount that is removed from the atmosphere. In other words, when an activity is carbon neutral, it does not contribute to an increase in the greenhouse effect and consequently to global warming.

To achieve carbon neutrality, it is necessary that greenhouse gas emissions are reduced as much as possible, and the rest is offset through actions that remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases.

Carbon neutrality is an important goal in the fight against climate change, and confident that this is possible, in 2022 Brandili set out on its journey towards decarbonization, adopting cleaner practices that directed it towards carbon neutrality:

  • Energy Efficiency
  • Practices such as the reduction, reuse and recycling of solid waste recycling of organic waste
  • Use of biomass from reforestation in thermal energy generation
  • Electricity from a clean and renewable source

After adopting all these measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and calculating the amount of these gases emitted over the course of 2022 and 2023, we achieved carbon neutral status by offsetting the emissions that could not yet be eliminated through carbon credits from a renewable energy generation project, in this case a wind farm.


Carbon Neutral Seal


Our option for compensation through investment in the acquisition of carbon credits from wind farms was due to the synergy between renewable energy generation, reduced environmental impact, and socioeconomic benefits for local communities, promoting true sustainability.

After all, for us at Brandili, being carbon neutral means practicing our purpose and our values.

This initiative is related to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Santa Catarina:


Action Against Global Climate Change