Going from disposable to reusable

In a world that is increasingly aware of the importance of preserving the environment, initiatives aimed at reducing the use of disposable materials are gaining prominence. In this scenario, Brandili chose in 2023 to use the brand "Meu Copo Eco", which has an innovative response, providing an ecological alternative to replace the disposable cups in our lives.

The exchange of disposable cups for reusable cups brings with it a number of environmental benefits. Millions of plastic cups are thrown away every day, resulting in huge amounts of waste that take decades to decompose. By adopting the reusable cups of the Meu Copo Eco brand, we can significantly reduce this ecological footprint.

Brandili reusable cups

Besides the environmental issue, the use of reusable cups brings practical and economic advantages. Meu Copo Eco cups are made of durable and resistant materials, allowing them to be used countless times before needing to be replaced. This not only reduces the amount of waste generated, but also saves financial resources in the long run.

The exchange of the cups will prevent the use of an average of 13,000 cups per month, including the two Brandili units, avoiding the emission of more than 10 tons of CO2 per year.

By adopting the switch to reusable cups from Meu Copo Eco, each of us becomes an agent of change for a more sustainable planet. After all, sustainability is a shared responsibility, and every little action counts. By saying "no" to disposable cups and "yes" to reusable cups, we are contributing to the reduction of pollution, the conservation of natural resources and the promotion of a more conscious lifestyle.


This initiative is related to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Santa Catarina:


Responsible Consumption and Production